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    Thorlak Icelandics, LLC, is managed and owned by Maria Octavo. It is currently located at JMJ Farms, LLC,  in beautiful Nelson County, KY. With rolling wooded hills, open bluegrass fields, and amazing scenery, this 100 Acre family-owned farm is a peaceful piece of heaven on earth. 

Centered on and around Icelandic Horsemanship and Classical Dressage, we aim for perfect harmony with horse and rider no matter their riding discipline.

 We believe that the rider needs training and lessons just like our horses do. In this manner, we can bring out the best in our horses and equestrian skills.  


How it all started

Maria’s journey with horses began at the age of 5 on her family's Icelandic horse farm in Germany. After moving to the U.S., she explored various riding disciplines, including Western, Dressage, and Saddle Seat. In 2017, Maria connected with Carrie Brandt and Terral Hill of Taktur Icelandics, whose mentorship shaped her path in the Icelandic horse community. With their guidance, she represented her teams at the 2017 and 2019 American Youth Cups, where they earned the highest competition points, and she received the prestigious Future Team Leader Award in 2019.

Maria’s competitive success includes being ranked highest nationally in T7 and F2 in 2018 and maintaining her T7 ranking in 2019. Her international experience spans Germany and Iceland, where she trained extensively and qualified for the German Youth Icelandic Championships in 2018 and 2019, advancing to A finals in multiple competitions.

Certified as a FEIF Level 1 Trainer and Riding Instructor in June 2024, Maria became the youngest certified trainer of the year and the youngest to qualify through the USIHC Fast Track Trainers Certification. Her goal is to integrate the techniques and philosophies she’s learned in Germany, Iceland, and the U.S., fostering unity in training and teaching methods.

Maria has had the privilege of training with some of the most respected professionals in the Icelandic horse world, including:

  • Carrie Brandt – FT, Hólar Graduate, FEIF International Trainer Level 3 (U.S.)

  • Laura Benson – FT, Hólar Graduate, FEIF International Trainer Level 3 (U.S.)

  • Sabine Neuhart – IPCV Trainer C (Germany)

  • Nadine Rex – Dressage Trainer C, IPZV Trainer C (Germany)

  • Sigvaldi Guðmundsson – FT, Hólar Graduate, FEIF International Trainer Level 3 (Iceland)

  • Nicole Kempf – IPZV Trainer A, IPZV Ausbilder (educates trainers), Icelandic FT Trainer, FEIF International Sports Judge (Germany)

Maria’s mission is to empower riders and horses alike, building lasting partnerships through knowledge, trust, and joy.

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What We Offer

Click 'Read More' for more Deals on our services!


Past Roles

Febuary 2017 - June 2021


Maria started working with Carrie Brandt and Terral Hill at the age of 13. Interning with them for three years and working for and closely with them for two. From starting young horses to giving Flying Pace lessons on the straight track. At Taktur Maria did all there is to do with Icelandic Horses. With the guidance of these two trainers, Maria went on to compete in Youth, Novice, Intermediate, and Professional  Icelandic Sport Shows Classes. As well as completing Knapamerki Levels 1-3

June - September 2021


Kvistir is a very famous Icelandic Horses Breeding Farm Located in Hella Iceland. Maria went there to work with Sigvaldi Guthmundsson. A Holar graduate and a FEIF Level 3 Trainer. There she had the opportunity to ride some of the most amazing Icelandic's and brought back many of the Icelandic riding and training techniques.

April - June 2018 May - July 2019


Hubertushof is run and managed by IPCV Trainer C Sabine Neuhart. Maria went to intern in 2018 & 2019. She was able to work with and train many young horses as well as teach lessons. Under the mentor and guidance of Sabine she went on to compete both years in Icelandic sport shows both times making it into A finals. In 2018 qualifying for the German Youth Championships.
In 2019 she completed the Bronze Riding Badge passing with high marks.


Working Together


 I recommend Maria Octavo to anyone wanting to have their horse do better in any situation, or if they want to improve their riding abilities. Maria is always very sweet and caring.  She is good with young and more mature clients, such as I, which is a gift.  She is extremely knowledgeable and is willing and able to share what she knows. 


“I travel a great distance to bring my Icelandic horse to Maria for board and/or tune-up training. I am committed to my mare’s wellbeing, and I will not compromise on providing her with quality care and training when she needs it.” -M.F


I thoroughly enjoy Maria's lessons. They are mentally and physically challenging for me. Every lesson I
learn something. She challenges me to think about my seat and my horse and how the two things are
connected. I love the variety of our lessons. Whether we are working in the arena, on the driveway or on
the trail she is constantly teaching me how to be a better partner with the horse. Her seat lessons are some of the best seat lessons I have every taken. -J.B


I am SO happy to know and have access to what Maria offers the Icelandic horse community. She is a young Icelandic horse trainer with a ton of training experience from highly respected Icelandic horse trainers on two continents. You and your horse will be happy; you will be amazed by the quality and affordability of the care and training she provides. -M.F

" Train not because of a past ride, train for all the future ones."

Maria Octavo



2608 Nelsonville Rd. Boston, KY 40107

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